Corporate Portrait Videography
We believe corporate portraiture should authentically capture the unique essence of a person, as well as clearly communicate brand, culture and lifestyle. Our professional videography services aim to capture the heart of the people behind the business. Services include corporate team, headshot, and personal branding videography.
Event Videography
Stock videography has its uses; however, nothing tells a company or organization's story like videography that captures the energy of corporate milestones and events. Whether for an annual report, corporate website , or other marketing initiative, we capture the best moments, adding dimension to your brand and communication strategies.
Commercial Videography
We provide high-quality product videography for online and print marketing. Ideal for advertising or business promotion, we produce professional images that beautifully showcase products, promote brands, and captivate customers.
Industrial Videography
Ingenious Brandcare’s industrial videography portfolio includes every aspect of the industrial and manufacturing world, inside and out. With experience photographing factories, machinery, processing plants, assembly lines, welders, robotics, tool and die makers, high tech and no tech, above ground and below for companies across India. View our industrial videography portfolio for some compelling photographic images of industrial and manufacturing environments.
When working in industrial locations, our team wears personal protection equipment (PPE): safety glasses, hard hat, steel-toed boots and flame-resistant clothing.
Dedicated to personal service and satisfied customer, we are passionate about videography including offering professional business practices with fair and reasonable pricing. We listen to your needs and works to build lasting relationships.
Industrial Aerial - Drone Videography
Looking to empower your business, organization, or project with stunning aerial drone photography and videography? If so, Ingenious Brandcare’s Drones can photograph the best and can help you to leverage a drone's eye view, and more importantly, keep your project owners happy. Hire Ingenious Brandcare to capture beautiful and modern drone (UAS) aerial imagery and generate the traction your project deserves.
Product Videography
With sharp, crisp focus, creative background & lighting and proper exposure INGENIOUS has much experience to showcase your products in more attractive way. Through high definition images, we have been able to convey our creative and artistic endeavor.